
Viking Festival

We attended a Viking Boat Burning Festival at Butster Ancient Farm which is nestled in the Meon Valley in Hampshire. If you are a fan of the TV series the Vikings it is well worth a visit.

Butser Ancient Farm is a unique experimental archaeology site nestled into the rolling countryside of the South Downs National Park. The Farm features archaeological reconstructions of ancient buildings from the Stone Age, Iron Age, Roman Britain and the Anglo-Saxon period. Our buildings are internationally famous and appear frequently in documentaries and feature films. We also grow crops from prehistory and keep rare breeds of animals, such as goats and sheep.

Russian Vikings

There are three re-enactor groups: Romans Butser IX Legion, Saxons from Herigeas Hundas and the Vikings from Wuffa, often putting on events based around the Celtic wheel of the year festivals this one was at the Autumn Equinox called Beltain.

The Viking and Saxon groups treated us to a demonstration of armed combat and Archery. It looked hard work, but was enjoyable!

We enjoyed the experience of the ancient times sitting in one of the roundhouses, with the fire warming us in the centre and the story of the Three Wood Women by DD Storyteller. I cannot help but wonder if we have lost something of a sense of community as we all sit in our homes, the flicker of the blue screens replacing the fires. The woodsmoke, the atmosphere and the story felt like I had slipped into the past, but maybe it was the mead!

Storytelling, by DD in the roundhouse

There was music from Seidrblot, if you enjoy the Vikings Theme Music you would really enjoy this group, they use their voices to make a wonderful sound that really conveys emotions. It was lovely enjoying the last of the Summer sunshine, enjoying mead and the music.

As the sun began to set, the Pentacle Drummers led everyone on a precession to the boat, a wicker version with a beautiful sail. Everyone was invited to write wishes and attach to the boat, to send to the Gods. You can see some of the blue and orange slips of paper. You could use the viking Rune guide if you wished to write with the Firkar runes!

The boat on fire

The boat was set light by three archers with flaming arrows, it was quite spectacular, the drummers conintued with their drumming, it was impossible not to be moved by the atmosphere.

full moon, archers and the burning boat

ttfn x

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