book review, craft books, craft projects, crochet, felting, gifted book review, home craft, home made gifts, knitting, Mags Kandis

Book Review – Gifted Mags Kandis

Welcome dear reader….I have a rather large collection of crafting books – some of them could be described as Vintage my oldest sewing book goes back to 1934! It is getting a bit of struggle these days to find really unique ideas – I notice many of the crafting books have the same projects but slightly revamped, so it was a real pleasure to pick up this book and find something new. 
This felted mouse rest is delightfully done – filled with wheat and heated gently will give relief to a tired wrist. I love the apple like quality to this project – so fresh. 

I have never come across this idea before, knitted bangles that it made me want to shrink a jumper straight away! I love bangles but after a little while of wearing them and getting the clack clack clack every time I move my arm, I usually remove them long before the day is out. Somehow I think these just might last a little longer… and they may well manage to be a gift for someone! 
I have a large willow pattern teapot that I use first thing in the morning, I bought about 25 years ago!  Mr D and I need lots of strong breakfast tea to get us going in the morning – it makes a good two mugfuls and several refills of my delicate edwardian tea cup.  Since it is larger than usual it does not benefit from a tea cosy. Seeing this gorgeous simple design has inspired me to take up my needles – of course with my own unique twist! Will show you the finished result when its made! 
This book is well worth buying if you can get hold of it, a great addition to a crafter’s library.
ttfn… x 

Adventures, felting, hand sewing, hearts, mollie makes, needle felting, sewing

Lulamae’s cake and do

On the last Wednesday of the month Lulamae’s holds a cake and do, this month we made these cute little hearts, just getting ready for Valentines day. It was so lovely to chat and eat cake (again!) I love the fabric which is one from Mollie Makes. 

the back is lovely too! 
I have been enjoying needle felting, which is dry felting you can shape the wool by stabbing it with a long sharp needle. I made this little teapot badge, it is such a therapeutic hobby, and so easy to achieve results with. 

blue, buttons, comfort, easing pain, felting, green, illness, life lessons, ribbon weaving, teal, wheat bag, wool felt

Sew little bit of love

This is my new best friend, I have been struggling all week with an infection and finally got my antibiotics today. I am grateful to live in a country where they are not only available but also at a reasonable cost thankfully I shall soon be feeling better and back to my usual bouncy self. 
The reason this little cushion is my best friend is that it is filled with bulgar wheat, you can heat it up and this lovely warm square sits on my lap and gives such a gentle comforting heat that eases the tummy pain. 
I love how things evolve, I made the ribbon weave last year and created the front with the little buttons and hand embroidery but then I did not quite know what to do with it. I had plans to make it a wallhanging, or a cushion but it was only the other day that I realised it was the perfect size for a wheat bag, (about 20cm square). When you are feeling poorly there is nothing like a bit of love and warmth to ease the pain and this little heart has finally found its place in the world. 
You can make all different shapes long sausage shapes to go round an aching neck, I have even made a eye mask for a lady who had fallen and bruised her eyes. You can also put these in the freezer to keep you cool for bruising or headaches. 
I backed it with the remaining teal velvet I was given at a WI meeting two or three years ago. I had made a Christmassy cushion with it as well and had shown it to the sewing world editor earlier in the year, she wanted it for a project and so I thought I would give it a wash, that wasn’t the best idea because the fabric was not colour fast! It was a disaster and I had to start all over again! Have you tried shopping for christmas fabrics in early August? giggles the shop assistants do doubt my sanity at times, but they know me well not to raise their eyebrows until I have left the shop!